What does it mean to be a fisher of men? What does it mean to be salt and light? What does it mean to be an influencer for the kingdom? The answer to these questions is the same – obedience. Obedience to Jesus’ command to ‘go and make disciples’.
Jesus told us that if we loved Him we would keep His commands! We cannot say we love the Lord and then choose which of His commands we want to follow, which ones we don’t like, or which ones don’t suit our personalities or fit into our schedules. When Jesus says “go”, we must go! Jesus isn’t waiting for us to do some big, extraordinary task to impress Him; He is simply calling us to obey His command to go, one small step at a time.
Think of Naaman’s servant girl: a nameless slave in a foreign land, a female in a male-dominated culture, the lowest of the low and working in the household of the commander of the Syrian army - the same army that raided her village in Israel and took her captive. She had been separated from all those she loved and was forced to serve her captors in a foreign land. We may think that her circumstances would make it impossible for her to go, but this nameless girl who lived some 800 years before the birth of Jesus, understood how important it was to point people to the one true God.
She found a way to be a fisher of men. Her bold ‘salt and light’ suggestion - “if only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy” - led to not only Naaman’s physical healing, but his spiritual healing as well. This girl’s concern for Naaman and her confidence that God would do what He said He would do, changed the course of history and the trajectory of Naaman’s life.
You may feel stuck in a place where you feel God can’t possibly use you to go. Know that God doesn’t see limitations based on your position. He takes great delight in using you to accomplish great things for His kingdom. Pray for daily opportunities to go – to be a fisher of men, an influencer of people, and salt and light in our world.
In Him,
Pastor Brian