This is a ministry to men and women 55 and over which includes monthly meetings and events that help meet the needs of this age group. This ministry has been suspended. Please contact sabrina@thelakesidechurch.ca for more information.

Most marriages don’t need an overhaul, just regular tune-ups.
You are not alone in your experiences. You’ll be paired with another couple who wants to listen and invest in your lives. Over the course of a year, they’ll guide you through 12 conversations crucial for a healthy marriage. This isn’t crisis counselling, it’s an opportunity to share your story and learn from the life experience of another couple.
How does it work? You will meet with your mentor couple for approximately 1 hour a month. They will guide you through one of the conversations in your conversation guide and listen to you, encourage you and help you to determine some next steps to grow closer together. These conversations will be kept completely confidential.
See video below from Felisha and Yusuf Ramnarace introducing the ministry. Interested? Send us an email at marriedcouples@thelakesidechurch.ca.

Starting May 5, 2021, the Men's Ministry will meet online via Zoom weekly on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. Email men@thelakesidechurch.ca to register to attend.
To make the most of the COVID-19 restrictions, the Men's Ministry has been engaging in virtual outreach ministry - which includes taping tutorials which show people how to do practical tasks like changing car brakes, changing car oil and rotating or changing tires. See videos below.
If you have a skill you would like to showcase, or you have a request for a demo of a particular task, please contact Milton at milton_lindo@hotmail.com.
On Father's Day 2020, TLC honored all the men who call The Lakeside Church home. We thank Milton Lindo for creating the beautiful tribute movies, and thanks to Sonia and Dwight Dawes for putting together the kids' tribute to the dads.

Inspired by God, Burning Love Outreach is based on the real-life experiences of its founder, Pastor Searita Jones-Harshaw. Led by the Holy Spirit, she traveled from a life of darkness and despair suffering from drug abuse and addiction to be reborn to a life filled with light, hope, and love. Her goal is to see others experience that same joyful rebirth to be bigger, bolder, and more valuable than they have ever imagined.
If you are struggling with addiction, or have a friend or loved one who is battling addiction, contact Pastor Searita at info@burningloveoutreach.org
or visit the Burning Love Outreach website: https://burningloveoutreach.org for resources and answers to questions like:
Should I leave my spouse if they have an addiction?
How can I learn to trust myself again after failing?
How can trust be regained after the betrayal that accompanies addiction?
How can I deal with loss without turning to substance abuse?
As a parent, how do I deal with a child who is addicted to drugs and alcohol?
The ladies meet quarterly for special events. This is a time to connect socially and grow spiritually. Unfortunately, these events have been suspended due to Covid-19 restrictions. If you would like to join our Women’s Ministry once we resume, please connect with joan_lawlor@yahoo.ca.
In 2020, TLC honored all the women who call The Lakeside Church home. See the tribute in video below. "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31: 30.